SUTD Chinese Orchestra (SUTDCO) started back in 2015 with just 4 passionate members and has since grown to a promising size with the skills required to perform professional grade musical pieces. SUTDCO has then been actively involved in various performance opportunities, including school events and external invitations. 2018 marked an extraordinary year for SUTDCO as we held our first concert – Impressions. In 2019, we continued our legacy and held our second concert – Impressions II.
新加坡科技与设计大学华乐团(新科大华乐团)成立于2015年。在短短五年的时间里,新科大华乐团由原本五位创立人发展至如今,拥有数十名成员的乐团。不仅如此,新科大华乐团也成长成了拥有专业演奏水准的乐团,多次为校内和校外的活动演出,更在2018年举办了我们第一场的音乐会 - 心弦。在2019年,我们很荣幸能够延续前一年的传奇,举办了我们第二场音乐会 - 心弦(二)。
MoreDizi, Suona, Sheng
The Hu family
Zhongruan, Liuqin, Yangqin, Daruan
"don't spasm"
23rd and 25th November 2020
7th September 2021
17th November 2019
10th November 2018